Make A Contrast Top With Me

Designer: Marcia Spencer

Instagram: @keechiibstyle




This is the season for loungewear and I love using cozy knits and sweater knits for projects. Not to mention most knits don’t fray so you can get super creative with it. Here is a great scrap busting project that's great for beginners and it's so quick and easy. I used Simplicity pattern 8424 View F for this top. There are only 3 pattern pieces. Follow the tutorial to see how I made it.








  1. With wrong sides together pin center front seams together matching notches and raw edges.



2. With wrong sides together pin center back seam and sleeve together matching notches and raw edges.



    3. With wrong side together stitch shoulder seams of together.



      4. With the right sides together, stitch the center back seam of the neckband.



        5. Fold band in half, lengthwise, with wrong sides facing. Press



          6. On the outside of the top, pin band to neck edge matching back seam to neckband seam and placing dots at the shoulder seam lining up raw edges. Stitch.



            7. Trim seam allowance and finish seam with serger. Press seam down toward the top.
            8. Then edge stitch close to the neck seam.



              9. Stitch front and back together underarm on both sides.



                10. Use your Pinking Rotary blade to trim all exposed seams leaving at least ¼ inch.


                  11. You can leave your hems raw like I did or you can turn under hem for a cleaner look. Give your top a press!


                    Voila! You're done.